Heroes/Troops Match Tips

Shieldmen + Archers

With the new battle logic making battles more tactical and challenging, we’re talking Heroes/Troops Match Tips. Today we are going to explain why archers counter spearmen, and how archers cooperate with other front row troops.

Most people understand the archer basics – they deal high damage but their defense and HP are low, making them vulnerable and in need of protection from other troop types. So how can archer counter spearmen? Because their special skill “deals an extra 30% damage to spearmen, with a 40% chance to attack spearmen directly” (peak status). Add to that their high damage and you have a nightmare for spearmen. However, with low defense and HP, you cannot have a dispatch purely consisting of archers, they will need protection.

Within all 8 troop types, there are two known for their ability to take a hit and keep on pushing forward, aka “front row troops” – rams and shieldmen. Shieldmen have low attack but super high defense and HP, and their special skill will reduce 10% of damage dealt by enemy rear units. This means they can take hit after hit and shrug it off to keep the archers (or anyone else) in the back safe.Rams are even tougher than shieldmen in terms of defense, HP and damage resistance, but their special skill only works in siege battles against the palace or turrets, so they are not as effective in an everyday fight.

When you are attacking the palace or turrets with defense troops consisting of shieldmen and spearmen, set 40% of your dispatch as shieldmen, and the other 60% as archers. This will give your dispatch stout defense, and a big damage punch. With similar attributes, your dispatch has a very good chance to win the battle. However, if they enemy is not using shieldmen, but pure spearman for defense, then just add a little shieldmen in your dispatch and even more archers. Now that we’ve learned a bit more about troop type ratios, let’t talk about heroes, skills, and jewels.

The best hero group for archers are Kanoa and Eritra. The second best are Bige and Eritra. For skills and jewels? We suggest archer attack, infantry defense and infantry HP. Thus your archers will deal more damage and your infantry will hold the defensive line longer.

We hope you learned something that will help you improve your dispatches and win more battles, because that’s what this is really all about.

If you have more strategies using shieldmen + archers, please share them in the Forum!

The ROK Team

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