Dev’s Laboratory – Battle Report 7

Dev’s Laboratory is the event where you can decide “the configuration of both sides of a battle”, and the ROK team will carry out this battle with the settings you chose, and then share a detailed analysis of the battle report and the results with you to use as a reference. Now, it’s time for today’s battle report and analysis from 2 players.


Blue: Hua Mulan + Bige; Skills: Cavalry Attack + Cavalry Defense + Rush Attack; 100K Shieldmen + 200K Rear Units.

Red: Kanoa + Bige; Skills: Archer Attack + Archer Defense + Volley; 100K Shieldmen + 200K Rear Units

Group Analysis:

Both groups used 1 attacker plus 1 defender. Though both sides employed the powerful Bige, his dodging skill is only effective in melee, so the blue Bige was a wasted slot. What’s more, the rear heroes on both sides specialize in Rush Attack and Volley, which attack the enemy rear units directly, ignoring the shieldmen in the front.

Skill Analysis:

For skills, the red archers have a chance of dodging the cavalry’s attack, while the cavalry in the blue group, with Hua Mulan’s Back Thrust, has a chance of dealing extra attack in combats, plus Rush Attack to restrain the archers, allows for an easy attack on the rear row of archers. Both sides have distinct advantages here.


From the battle report we can tell that most of the crossbowmen in the archer troops were dead or injured, with the front row basically just standing around enjoying the show, while the cavalry, with their Rush Attack skill, had a high chance to Charge. However, the Volley skill of the archers wasn’t effective on the cavalry, so they weren’t able to make full use of its effect. Hua Mulan had the ability to deal an extra attack, even the chance of Bige dodging it, but the dodge didn’t take effect the whole time. In the end, the cavalry won the day.

Tab to view the second Battle Report.

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