Story|Rise of Titans

Today the amazing writerαcιdιc ɾαιɳ has a brand new story [Rise of Titans] to share with you. So let’s get into it now!

PART 1 : The Recruitment

Once upon a time the darkness was at its peak and was about to capture the world while almost defeating the “All Mighty Hero”.

But the Hero somehow managed to escape from the traps and was able to seal the Lord of Darkness in the dark world.

Now after decades and decades of that incident the lord of Darkness is about to rise again and now the responsibility to save the world is given to the ancestors of the “All Mighty Hero” and the leadership is given to oldest ancestor alive who is known as “Cora Nol’do”. Cora was given the responsibility to make a powerful and skillful team of heroes to fight the newest opponent put out by the Lord of Darkness against the heroes…… “the Grim Raider”.

Cora as guided moved across the history of the ancestors and recruited the team of best 4 heroes that can bring the darkness to ground and save the world once again.

The heroes chosen were the best in their skills and were named as Rothai , Mulan , Kanoa and Pan and the team was called “Titans”.

Rothai with his axe , Mulan with her beautiful horse , Kanoa with his Archery and Pan with his Bazooka were brought at the Mighty Palace.

Everything was going well but the problem Cora faced was that those heroes never fought against such a powerful creature and to make them more powerful Cora hired a Troop Trainer “Arkadius” to make their army strong.

Meanwhile Cora was training Titans under himself , he noticed that the heroes were powerful but not united. They all were perfect in their own skills but they didn’t knew the teamwork.

In a practice fight Cora noticed that when Kanoa got injured , Mulan would have helped him but she continued to prove her skills on her horse and didn’t helped him.

To make them united Cora thought of a plan.


To make heroes a better team Cora told all heroes to give a test. The test was simple , The team Titans is divided individually and they had to cross a magical forest and defeat the boss at the end of it. All heroes thought it’s a great opportunity to show off their skills and agreed for this test.

There were four different paths going inside the Magical Forest , each hero took a path and started their journey but they didn’t knew about the obstacles that they had to face.

Rothai took the first path which went straight into the forest with many powerful and magical creatures waiting for him. Rothai faced no issues in starting but later when he was attacked by a Huge magical dragon then his axe broke and he fell straight into a big hole and fainted.

When he woke up he saw that he was in a small shelter. He could hear the beautiful chirruping of the birds outside from the shelter. He went out and saw that he was somewhere in a deep forest. He saw that his axe is broken and he have heavy injury on his right leg. He was hardly able to move.

As he was thinking about who brought him in that shelter , he heard a voice of a beautiful elf.

Elf: How are you now?

Rothai: I am fine but excuse me ,who are you?

Elf: I am a resident of this Magical Forest.

Rothai: Did you saved me from that dragon?

Elf: Those creatures are my friends and now they will never hurt you.

Rothai: Thanks for your help. Can I get the honor to know your name?

Elf: My name is Rya . Why are you in this deep forest?

Rothai : I am Rothai and I am here to prove my master that I am the best.

Elf: Well this is a huge Forest with many obstacles if you want I can help you to get out to the next end of the forest.

Rothai: I am honoured.

Rothai and Rya continued their journey to the end of magical forest.

On the other hand Mulan who took the second path was riding her horse into the forest and suddenly a white smoke covered the area and nothing was visible. But Mulan was desperate about proving herself and she didn’t stopped and after a couple of seconds she fell of into a waterfall from height with her horse. After she fell and made her way to the bank of the waterfall , she started finding her horse.

After some hours of walking she saw someone riding her horse. When the horse saw Mulan then he came running towards her. Mulan was speechless to see someone riding her super powerful horse with so ease.

She was impressed. She started the conversation,

Mulan: Hello mister! My name is Mulan.

Anonymous: I saw your horse drowning in the river originating from nearby waterfall. I helped him and took him here.

Mulan: Thanks for that but how did you managed to control my horse so easily.

Anonymous: well I would like to tell about that after a nice meal.

Mulan: Sure , I am hungry as well.

The guy took Mulan to his campfire where his food was cooking. They both had a nice meal and then Mulan asked again.

Mulan: Now can you tell who are you.

Anonymous: My name is Zed. I was the king of the nearest city but due to some cursed spirits my city went dead and after that I came to this forest to go to it’s end because a saint told me that at the end of this forest there are answers for all my questions.

Mulan: Ok Zed it was nice meeting you , time to go back to my journey.

Zed: I assume we both are going at the end of forest , so would you like my company till there?

Mulan: Sorry but I like to work alone , I will manage myself. Thanks again for saving my horse.

Zed: (smiling) Ok lady. It was nice meeting you.

They both continued their journey but not together.

After some hours Mulan saw something that she couldn’t believe her eyes…..

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