Troop Revival and Water Rates by MidKnighter

Today we have an extra special guide from one of our wonderful players, MidKnighter, who hails from K209.

Today I’m going to talk about troop revival. It is a pretty cool feature in this game. Burn and pillage the enemy, exert your dominance and then recover all your losses. Can’t beat that right?

Many spent the entire 13 days between KvKs making sure they have enough water, playing Ashen Path, Daily tasks etc in preparation to battle their opponent and fight for their kingdoms honor.

One of the first things people want to know when they hear about that is “great how many troops can i safely lose with my water?”

If you go to your tree found to the left of your city and click the ? each event has its own revival rates. But to many of us and especially new players that looks like a bunch of gibberish right? Who has time for math when the rally is up.

Today I will cut through the nonsense and just show you how many troops you can revive for the water in each event.

In throne war water will only revive troops that die in the palace, a turret, or a fortress. Troops that die fighting in castles, tiles etc will not be covered by throne water and will be lost forever.

In KvK and Overlord water will revive any troops that die in battle excluding those that die in a duel.

Here is a quick chart showing water revival rates for each event at a glance.

(NOTE: All counts rounded to closest whole troop number)

Also you can revive in stages as opposed to revive all. This can be beneficial if you are willing to sacrifice a few troops to save some water for the next war.

If you go even 1 troop over the maximum revival amount for that water group then it will put you in the next group. This means reviving all you could pay up to 15 water for 1 troop if you don’t pay attention.

What you will lose by saving water can be determined by finding the difference between your losses and the grouping.

For example by looking at this chart we can see that in Throne war if we have lost 54,326 troops it will require 81 water to revive. By taking the number from the previous water group, in this case 50,000 and subtracting that from your total losses (54,326) we can see that you will save 10 water using only 71 by sacrificing 4,236 troops.

Hopefully this helps answer some questions and gets you back to burning!

If you have any questions regarding the formula my Line ID is “MidKnighter”. I opted not to bore everyone with the math here and elected to keep the confusing %s out. It is all basic finding whole given part and percentage.

Happy Hunting!


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