Treasure House

A New Event with Generous Rewards

We will launch a brand new Treasure House event on 2020/06/23. In today’s session, let’s check out the rewards in the Treasure House.

Rewards are divided into 3 levels: heavenly, rare, and normal. Select the rewards that you would like to receive, then consume Treasure Coupons to hunt for treasures. You’ll earn one reward from each treasure hunt.

Let’s take a closer look at the rewards of different levels.

The heavenly rewards are Advanced Battle Skill Pages for Troop Assistance, Rush Attack, Pike Wall, Volley, etc. Learning more skills will help ensure perpetual victories.

Optional Buff Chests, massive resources and speedups are available as rare rewards. As for normal rewards, there are resources, speedups, Skill Boxes, Adv Summon Spells and many more items for you to win.

When the event starts, you may spend Gems to purchase 10 Treasure Coupons each day.

Come to the Treasure House to win your favorite items!

Saying goodbye also means a new beginning… We’ll soon be launching a brand new Treasure House event some time in the near future.

We’ll be revealing more details about this new event in the community. If you want to be one of the first to see it, stay tuned to the community for updates!

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