La Sakura’s tea corner 2

Today we have an amazing interview from one of our wonderful players, La Sakura from K165.

Hello everyone! I am La Sakura from K165. 🌸

And today i will interview one of the many great players we have here in ROK. Today Silly Ririka from K70, will steal the spotlight and will tell us a bit about herself and her experiences in ROK.

Hello Silly Ririka! Thank you for participating in this interview, there are many questions I’d like to ask about you and your experiences in ROK.

Q1, La Sakura.

In your experience, what is the key to developing a good team?

A1, Silly Ririka.

Like all bosses, I lead the players in the best way. I never say bad things to my teammates. It will only demoralize the team, in fact, all I did was dictate what the players should be on the battlefield. They did the rest on their own!

I love my teammates very much.

Q2, La Sakura.

How do you deal with problems or difficult people?

A2, Silly Ririka.

Difficult matters can be discussed with friends. It’s easy, but a little hard to deal with difficult people. Sometimes if someone criticizes and insults me for no reason, I just ignore or block them. But if I am unable to get past the criticism or insults, I advise them as gently as I can.

Q3, La Sakura.

What challenges you the most?

A3, Silly Ririka.

Sometimes I feel unable to keep up with the vastly changing RoK system. Various changes in heroes and troop logic, for example. Even if I take a little break from the game, I am frustrated by the new change(s).

 But what I've felt the most challenging is the new KvK point system. This system keeps me from taking my eyes off the game. So when I'm busy or I feel I can't concentrate on the game, it makes me feel that I just better give up kvks. 

Q4, La Sakura.

How do you prepare for a war?

A4, Silly Ririka.

I don’t have anything special to prepare for.

I usually plan during the war.

Q5, La Sakura.

Which Kingdom did K70 have the most difficulty in defeating?

A5, Silly Ririka.

We have been at war with many kingdoms considered strong in RoK. There were many great kingdoms, but frankly, I remember the war against K38 the most. We fought them 3 times and all were very difficult battles. It is also the only kingdom I couldn’t sleep at all. We couldn’t afford to lose and the tension was high, however in the end we won. I think the goddess of luck was a little closer to us, as we beat them by only 1.8k points. 😂 Can you all imagine?!

It’s most unfortunate that I can’t tell you all how I fought them!

Q6, La Sakura.

Tell me a bit about yourself? 😁

A6, Silly Ririka.

Well, I don’t know what to say… I’m from South Korea. I enjoy hanging out with friends and talk a lot. I’m no different from common girls.

But if you’re asking me about the style of play, well.. some say I’m aggressive.

I am one who should have what I want and never do what I don’t want to do. But these days, I feel I have to change my style of play a lot in the changing games 😂

Q7, La Sakura.

What is it like as a woman to play Rise of the Kings?

A7, Silly Ririka.

I think it’s not important to distinguish gender from playing games. Everyone just has a common hobby. If I used a male avatar, no one would know I am a woman.

But its true that I got a lot of attention because there are relatively few powerful woman players. I think I contributed most to making K70 a peaceful and powerful kingdom 🙈

Thank you Silly Ririka for the amazing answers! is there anything you want to say to the ROK community?

Silly Ririka:

These days the issue of mergers is very hot. I can guess what RoK is trying to do. But I hope you go at least equal opportunity for all. You must listen and consider the situation of all kingdoms. Thank you for the interview! And thank you to K19 Mitzi for helping me translate! You truly are the best! 💪🏻

What do you think of this share? Give your input in the comments below and remember to share this story with all your friends! What’s more, we’ll be picking the lucky Lords from those that comment and sending them each an awesome gift pack!

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