Dreadlords Arrival Event by Young Sharp.

Today we have an extra special guide from one of our wonderful players, Young Sharp, who hails from K106.

This lately released event in ROK known as the Dreadlord’s Arrival, is an event which occurs every two weeks on Monday and Thursday at 00:00 to 02:00 and 12:00 to 14:00 UTC.

So this is an event where you have to put your medulla oblongata at work for you to benefit quite well from it, so what are the benefits of this event?

When you attack this ancient construction {Dreadlord} you receive what is called Dreadlord’s Essence also you will be able to receive more essence according to your personal damage dealt to the dreadlord.

What more?, you’ll also receive rewards according to your personal rank {which is the damage dealt to the dreadlord}.

{The top 1 name is my alliance kvk name, but I still remain Young Sharp} as you can see in the picture the rewards are as follows 800 dreadlord essence, 20 Dreadlord winter wonderland castle chest and 20 faster space,{which is for the top 1} pretty nice reward I’ll say.

So what are the dreadlord essence used for? Nothing more than to exchange them for some awesome rewards.

Such as the ones you see in the picture, and more.

What and what can you receive from the dreadlord’s winter wonderland castle chest? you can open them with the chance of receiving 1 day winter wonderland castle theme, winter wonderland castle theme fragments or other cool 😎 rewards {having 100 fragments you’ll be able to compose winter wonderland eternal castle theme}.

If I’m to only talk about the rewards and not the complaints that players are laying about the event I’ll be partial, so I’m here to help you solve that problem you’re having with the event, which is the teleportation, many Lords and ladies complain that it consumes a lot of teleport, but come to think of it, ROK released the lost city for us and one of the rewards that you receive from it is advanced teleports,{I won’t focus right now on the lost city but stay tuned because I’ll soon release you guys with a guide on my own personal tricks on how I make 5 to 10 advanced teleports from the lost city on each 25 rounds of it and still have enough even though I teleport a lot during kvk and other events }.

Also you can exchange for 5 adv teleports with the dreadlord’s essence, and don’t forget, attacking the dreadlord will result to wounded troops so make sure that your hospitals are empty so you don’t have them dead and at the back of your mind remember to have e enough resources especially grain, for your troops healing.

Thanks everyone for the time and attention you gave to reading this guide, I hope you enjoy the game and have a happy hunting.

What do you think of this guide? Have your say in the comments below and remember to share this guide with all your friends! What’s more, we’ll be picking the lucky Lords from those that comment and sending them each an awesome gift pack!

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