Dev’s Laboratory – Battle Report 9

Dev’s Laboratory is the event where you can decide “the configuration of both sides of a battle”, and the ROK team will carry out this battle with the settings you chose, and then share a detailed analysis of the battle report and the results with you to use as a reference. Now, it’s time for today’s battle report and analysis from 2 players.


Red: Aderyn + Khadija; Skills: Cavalry Attack + Cavalry Defense + Rush Attack; 100K Shieldmen + 200K Rear Units

Blue: Jassan + the Faceless Knight; Skills: Infantry Attack + Infantry Defense + Pike Wall; 100K Shieldmen + 200K Rear Units.

Group Analysis:

The red side selected two orange quality heroes, while the blue side has one gold and one orange quality hero. If we compare both groups strictly based on their hero quality, then the blue side has a relative advantage. In addition, considering that Spearmen counter Cavalry according to the new battle logic, the blue side’s victory is almost certain.

Skill Analysis:

Red side’s Khadija is an orange quality Cavalry hero, whose skill increases Cavalry attack and defense, bearing some similarity to the Faceless Knight’s skill on the blue side. Aderyn gives Cavalry a unique attack skill, which increases the Mounted Archers’ critical strike rate, and gives Lancers a chance to ignore the enemy defense. That’s not bad at all compared with Jassan’s counter-attack skill.


Looking at the battle report, we can see that the Spearmen in the Infantry dispatch suffered no damage, and defeated the Cavalry troops with ease. While Aderyn possesses a powerful attack, it only affects Shieldmen, and isn’t capable of dealing any substantial damage to Infantry troops. Cavalry’s Charge skill had no effect on the Spearmen, while the Infantry troops, assisted by the Pike Wall bonus, made an easy charge against the Lancers in the Cavalry dispatch, seizing victory in this battle.

As we can see from the detailed analysis, the Archer damage all went to the front row of the Cavalry troops, and didn’t affect the damage from the Cavalry. However, when the Calvary’s attack vs Archers is increased by a certain percentage, the Archers will suffer massive losses and weakened attack damage. The Archer’s skill, Volley, was effectively neutralized, making it difficult for them to fight back.

Tab to view the second Battle Report.

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