Battle Talent Mode by Victor

Today we have an extra special guide from one of our wonderful players, Victor, who hails from K326.

Today we will be discussing about talent point management in the Battle section of your skill book. I choose to make this guide for all the new comers out there that need to know how to spend their talent points with care.

Talent points should be unlocked and have 3 presets with 100% Battle, 100% Development, 100% Assist talent points unlocked. Any other hybrids can be unlocked or tested only later in your development, when you reach a comfortable level 60 Lord Level.

As time passes and you kill 200 monsters daily (or more), you gain Lord Experience and you level up. Each new level up makes you stronger, more prepared to fight an enemy castle or defend your own hard work.

Firstly, all castles have a core soldier focus, a secondary focus and then it is optional depending on your statistics / hero choices.

1) Core talents: infantry

2) Secondary focus: cavalry / archer / war machine

3) Optional talents

1) Core talents on infantry mean that you need to fully protect your infantry and maximize all your infantry related talent points: attack, defense, HP, and the 20% damage reduction. Do not pick any other soldier talents until you fully enforce your infantry! This will ensure that your infantry survival potential rate in any situation is maximized. If your core is not strong, your losses in battles will be… substantial.

2) Secondary focus should be of your choosing. Because I bought packages and quickly unlocked elf benefits, Rui-Anh-Ga level 120 was quickly unlocked paired with Dakell 120. Due to this high cavalry hero support obtained quicker than archer or war machines heroes, I decided to go with cavalry.

3) Optional talents are the ones you can unlock after you have maximized core talents and secondary focus talents. This can be done in two directions. Individual benefit or Rally Caller benefit.

The individual benefit is the choice for 99% of castles because of the marching speed and general speed of movement and reactions in enemy kingdom and mud area. I personally use this myself because I play very much in the mud area and is mandatory for me to conserve dispatch movement speeds. Thus, I benefit from obtaining marching speed in mud (any kingdom), marching in enemy kingdom, marching and scouting speed (any kingdom).

I personally dislike the ‘Duel’ talent because it leads you to permanently dead soldiers. Only irresponsible people can afford to lose troops permanently. I have used it in the past until I started losing up to 100.000 soldiers per day. I used it on my enemies, so my enemies used it on me. Then I decided to stop using it because it was more trouble than benefit!

The Rally Caller benefit is a fully statistics oriented situation where the rally caller has all heroes unlocked and fully upgraded. This is especially useful for them because they need to maximize their soldiers, heroes with these talents. Their loss is general movement speed and scouting speed. However, all of these disadvantages can be overcome if the other rally participants will use faster paces or scout enemy castles.

Obtaining maximum statistics for a solid castle / solid rally. Recommended for Tournament of Lords or for a high statistics oriented rally leader with amazing heroes for all troop types.

Depending if you are a solo player or an advanced rally leader, you can choose to have two main directions. You can choose to invest points in more statistics rather than marching speed in enemy kingdom, mud area marching speed or scouting. If you eliminate these options, you can save up 122 points of talents, which can be spent in archer and war machine attack; archer and war machine HP, archer damage and war machine damage.

375 talent points is the amount of talent points that you get when reaching level 60. Depending on what level you are, you have to squeeze the best out of everything. There are some places/ corners where you can get many advantages. Gaining ‘Urgent Care’ ability is mandatory to achieve as soon as possible. It will help you reduce your dead soldiers in risky attacks.

All this said and done, battle talents are very important and you have to pay attention to them. Do not attempt to make combinations of Battle-Development-Assist. This will only make you weak. Try to unlock the three available talent sets and arrange them purely, 100% Battle, 100% Development and 100% Assist.

Go to victory, by Victor!

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